Deciding on what wireless technology I would use to reach a
stadium full of fans rooting for their team came hard to me. It was hard to
choose because there are so many different routes of communication people use
everyday with new technology. So after thinking about what the fan wants most,
I chose the mobile app Instagram.
Instagram is an application available on both Android and
Apple mobile markets. The application is a social media used for sharing
pictures. You can design your pictures with different frames and adjust the
color. A simple hash tag can share your picture to the world. So back to the
idea of why this is great for a stadium full of fans—smart stadiums are popping
up all over the country with massive video boards to entertain fans during games.
Say you’re at a baseball game where in between innings
action can be slow and the fans attention is easy to catch. That is where a
simple hash tag like “InstaRedSoxs” pops up on the big screen then proceeds to
show all of the fan pictures from the game using the hash tag “InstaRedSoxs”.
This would work great with catching the fan’s excitement of being on the same
board as Big Papi. As well, it is very easy content produced by the fan for the
team to show during games.
This was a great discussion, I really enjoyed how you used Instagram to create a fun thing for fans to do at games. I think that you're #InstaRedSox creation was very interesting and supportive. This is a great way for the fans to get noticed and become more proactive during baseball games.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great discussion this week. I think that Instagram would be a perfect way to connect to the audience more. Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media sites and utilizing it will increase the fans experience and ultimately make the fans want to come back.
Using Istagram might be risky as you are putting all of your resources into one particular social media site. I think that you may also want to peruse other social media sites and get more people involved at the games. You could just focus on social media in general to attract more fans.
Hey there sir,
ReplyDeleteI concur with Jason on this matter. At the Amway Center for Orlando Magic games, they are rotating posts from different social media sites allowing value to all of the platforms. Now don't get me wrong, instagram now with its new asset in video has extended its reach as a platform. However, I would take consideration in the other social platforms. Good stuff though good sir, good stuff.