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Monday, November 25, 2013

Week Four Discussion

As a professional in the marketing field I know taking care of your clients best interest is priority number one. When you are marketing a product you are playing off the mood of your clients. Studying what fab is in or what has the big spike in interest is what you can use to market to certain types of people.

So staying up to date with your client’s interests is a big factor, also keeping in touch is another big step to success. Sticking in the client’s head can have a huge effect on future sales. If you can reach out via social media or through email you can expand your reach to clients. Staying up to date and in touch are my two big keys of client/organization success.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week Three Discussion

     Increasing the profit is always a main concern for a company.  Even more so, with an NHL team the same tickets are sold over and over each year. How you market the hockey tickets determines your success off the ice. Being creative with your marketing strategy is a major key. The main question is how can we keep bringing these fans back year after year and give them a better experience than the year before?

     The smart arena is a new fab in the sports world, and is quickly changing the fans experience at such events. This change is something I see being huge in giving a better access to season ticket holders. Because of a newer arena ticket sales will be increased. Every season ticket buyers will be allowed to download a team app on their smart phone and for home games they will gain access to highlights and halftime reports immediately to their phone. Giving a special access to buyers will drive the price and need for the tickets upwards.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week One Discussion

 What wireless technology has had the greatest impact on society? As I read most of my classmates’ posts I see a trend that the mobile phone has been the greatest impact. I agree that has made huge strides in societies day-to-day life. I am going to go with the laptop as my choice to discuss.

 Laptops really brought together of the idea that using the Internet doesn’t have to be setting behind a desk. To me that’s ground breaking for some people it is no big deal. For those who thought why contain the Internet to just inside work started a new wireless world.

 Now that the laptop is just a normal thing for someone to have, it really started the wave of people wanting something smaller to take with them everywhere to reach the Internet. Now you have phones, tablets, and gaming systems that all can reach the internet wirelessly just like a laptop.

Week Two Discussion

Deciding on what wireless technology I would use to reach a stadium full of fans rooting for their team came hard to me. It was hard to choose because there are so many different routes of communication people use everyday with new technology. So after thinking about what the fan wants most, I chose the mobile app Instagram.

Instagram is an application available on both Android and Apple mobile markets. The application is a social media used for sharing pictures. You can design your pictures with different frames and adjust the color. A simple hash tag can share your picture to the world. So back to the idea of why this is great for a stadium full of fans—smart stadiums are popping up all over the country with massive video boards to entertain fans during games.

Say you’re at a baseball game where in between innings action can be slow and the fans attention is easy to catch. That is where a simple hash tag like “InstaRedSoxs” pops up on the big screen then proceeds to show all of the fan pictures from the game using the hash tag “InstaRedSoxs”. This would work great with catching the fan’s excitement of being on the same board as Big Papi. As well, it is very easy content produced by the fan for the team to show during games.